Our Video Walls are designed to bring your mall environment alive, connecting with your viewers in the most natural way possible to inform and entertain them within a wide array of applications.
In the retail environment it is essential to communicate in an innovative manner. By using our Digital Signage solutions you can combine videos with imagery, streaming content, live television, you can create a thoroughly modern, sleek and cost effective customer communication and engagement platform.
Our Video Wall solutions are designed to effectively distribute media content across single or multiple screens throughout the mall environment.
At the core of every solution is software designed to create and manage powerful customer experiences with innovative ways to interact with your customers and generate results.
- Standard Video Walls (Single, 2×2, 4×4, etc)
- Custom designed Video Wall solutions
- Atrium Video Wall solutions
- LED Video Walls
- DSTV IP TV (Live Television)
- Digital Menu Boards
- Video Wall Retail Shop Fronts
- Video on demand
Experience Digital Signage Solutions with an edge. Increase your revenue – own your environment, control your mall media solutions.